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Those school days - 7

After the attendance,
She closed her register and in between those who were outside came in the class.

We were asked to open the books and those who didn't bought the book were asked to stand up
 and  then after some slaps or other punishments
she told us to share books and finally started the proceedings.

One student will stand and read from the book.
And after each paragraph madam told its meaning.

Who was studying?


Not at all

Some were busy ironing their handkerchiefs with their geometry boxes, really that was very interesting.
Ironing both sides, folding and ironing both sides again,
again folding and again................ till it seemed like a well folded hard paper :P

Some were busy staring the book. And after that they will start different activities like :
They were filling the circles of a,b,d,e,g,o,p,q ............ really its fun doing this.
They were making the mustaches of the person printed on the book ............ poor person ...!! :P :D
They were making the cartoons.
They were making sketches and doing shading in the book.
They were writing their names and trying signatures which they will use in future.

Some were looking in the lunch-box of partner to see what they have got.

Some were busy looking outside the window or the wall with a finger penetrating their nostrils.

Some were putting candies in their mouths and they were moving them inside the mouth here and there.

Some were arranging their geometry boxes and doing several our things like:
Sharpening the pencils.
Cleaning the rubber and making it white by rubbing it :P
Trying to rotate the screw of sharpeners blade.
Rubbing the pencil led to sharpen it like a javelin.

Some put pencil-ends in their mouth.

Class continued.


Jyotsna said...

awesome!! How r u recollecting this much... visited some primary school it seems... :)

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