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Those school days - 11

Some asked permission from teacher to go to water cooler or toilets.

some raised their 2 fingers towards teacher while asking
"Mam, may I go to drink water"
"Mam, may I go to toilets"

But mistakes made us mature.
When some confused student mixed them........... whole class went on laughter and eyed
that mistakes really made all mature.

Teacher generally reply   "yes"
But when all start going to teacher she got annoyed and said let first ones come.

And when next teacher arrived she asked monitor
where are others

till then seeing madam entering the class, all rushed in.

It was maths class.
Mam opened the book and started teaching.

she solved the solved examples of the book and asked us to do the unsolved one.

What the hell
She solved the solved thing.
But we are also bonds.
Check the answer from the last pages of the book.
Then started the question and solved that.

But she called some one to come to the board and solve that there.
now is the bigger problem.

Some short ones couldn't reach even middle of the board.
They just start writing and finally without finding the answer, filled all board with font size double of normal. :P
This was the best escape.

While taller ones always considered dumber, height was the problem :P

Except teacher who else is looking at the board.
none !!!

Most of us were got hungry till now.
below desks
Lunch-boxes opened and after seeing and smelling the fuel, some closed them and put them back.
While others took a small bite to taste by leaning behind the desk.

Anyways whole class got the aroma of what everybody got.
If someone got ladyfinger than whole row came to know what it is?

Mam : Who has opened his Lunch-box.
None replied.

Those who had something left in their mouth swallowed.


Sh@s said...

Ha ha....funny.
Reminded me of my school days :)

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